
  1. russell
  2. Presales Question
  3. Saturday, August 06 2022, 07:27 PM
when is Joomla 4 compatible version of Easy Profile going to be released?
tarhunbek Accepted Answer

Acymailing is going to release a feature that the usergroups can be changed with automation.
That could mean that you could change usergroups depending on fields with acymailing.

Since version Acymailing 5+ it does not support changing groups, and they promised this function for a very long time, but never implemented it. The latest version 9.1 does not have it. Do you have any additional information?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 51
stip Accepted Answer
@carsten and @fmpmanager

I have worked 14 year with Joomla and 8 or so with Wordpress.
Still love Joomla as a basic cms way more than Wordpress.

Build around the 40 small site's in WP with beaverbuilder and building a site is fast. Anything more complex I went to Joomla.
For some bigger projects for some plugins (learndash) I hade to transfer to Wordpress.
Now a large site with a LMS, community and app is done in WP.
And I have to say that with Zapier, webhooks and automation plugins I do not want to build a site like that in Joomla anymore.
With a lot of pain I most of my new site's will be build in Wordpress because the non-code builder and enduser experience is way better if you use the right plugins than anything in Joomla I know.

The only things I really miss are the many settings in menu items, easy menu ACL and the MVC overrides.
And Events Booking that I have used intens over the years.

I also understand why developers leave and why the builders like me and end users leave Joomla.
Every couple years for my customers thousands of euro's for the conversion while all is working fine but needs to upgrade to new joomla only for security reasons (because they stop supporting) is unacceptable for me.
Sometimes 2 or even only one year after building a large site the new Joomla version came out, how in the hell you are going to tell that your customers that they need to prepare for building the new site...

Joomla has made some bad choices over the years.
If they have made joomla easier for end users from J2,5 they could have stand a change agains WP.
Even in Joomla 4 the media manager is for a noob impossible to use right.
I have had to build a custom plugin for thousands to fix that issue that should be in the core if you ask me.

I stopped building fulltime sites so now I will slowly leave Joomla and go for Wordpress because it is all easier, goes faster and customers are sooner happy.

So I rather go for Wordpress than eat glass ;-)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 52
Krx Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 53
zinnorov Accepted Answer
So there's no reason to buy an Easy Profile subscription yet? I'm glad I decided to check what people have to say before making the purchase.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 54
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