
  1. HDcms
  2. Presales Question
  3. Wednesday, September 27 2017, 09:44 AM

1/ When submitting the registration form, is it possible to assign the new member to a group of Joomla ACL users (depending on their choice of a category of members)

2/ More generally is it possible to submit a modification to launch a small script to do a joomla action?
admin Accepted Answer
2) no problem, sorry for late was a weekend for me:
username: demo
password: demo

4) Jomsocial is more popular than Easy Profile, so many components have an integration with Jomsocial (avatar and profile links) and not with Easy Profile. Jomsocial Bridge allow you to configure these components to use Avatar and profile link from Jomsocial, but simply the Bridge retrieve infos from Easy Profile.

An example is this support forum:
This forum is provided by EasyDiscuss( uses avatar from Easy Profile (but it have an integration only with Jomsocial).
Docs at
You can test this also with Free version.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 1
HDcms Accepted Answer

4 / What is Joomsocial Bridge ? examples ?

2 / no I will not you to specially mount a back office site. I just need to find most of my current features with CB.
3 / this is an important point (on my question 6 months ago). You were in agreement to integrate the search with the custom fields of joomla, in the future !! I want to use another search component
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
I tested the demo version
This demo is about Easy Profile+Socialnetwork plugin, it is a simple plugin that makes Easy Profile like a Social Network.

1) Social Network plugin send only summary of the day with all your notifications (so all notifications related to your profile, not groups).

2) I can provide you a full demo with Easy Profile + Socialnetwork plugin on our environment. Please wait some hours, just the time to prepare demo site ;)

3) Easy Profile works with Joomla custom fields, you can test this also in free version. NOTE: features like search and order works only for Easy Profile custom fields

4) No sorry, this is not possible.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 3
HDcms Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 4
admin Accepted Answer
1) with basic/pro version you can add conditions to add/remove users from usergroups.

2) this is possible by creating a simple plugin
for example to store a in field1 the sum between field2 and field3:
- Download, Install and Enable Skeleton Plugin (you will find it at
- Open file /plugins/jsn/skeleton/skeleton.php
- Remove samples functions: triggerFieldAvatarUpdate, triggerProfileUpdate
- add function like this:
public function triggerProfileUpdate($user, &$data, $changed, $isNew)
$data[ 'field1' ] = $data[ 'field2' ] + $data[ 'field3' ];
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 5
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