I have been using Easy Profile for a couple years or so now and was using an integration plugin to Kunena. My issue right now is that the easy profile avatar plugin for Kunena isn't working properly and I cannot really figure out why. I will link the plugin below and the information I have found thus far.
I have noticed that if I do a var_dump of the $user variable I do not get what I would expect. Can you please tell me why??
Example of var_dump($user)
object(JsnUser)#720 (28) {
rivate]=> array(0) { }
rotected]=> NULL
["id"]=> string(3) "123"
["name"]=> string(9) "jack black"
["username"]=> string(8) "username"
["email"]=> string(24) "[email protected]"
["password"]=> string(55) ""
["password_clear"]=> string(0) ""
["block"]=> string(1) "0"
["sendEmail"]=> string(1) "1"
["registerDate"]=> string(19) "2014-07-01 09:29:05"
["lastvisitDate"]=> string(19) "2017-05-24 00:12:45"
["activation"]=> string(0) ""
["params"]=> array(6) {
["admin_style"]=> string(1) "8"
["admin_language"]=> string(0) ""
["language"]=> string(0) ""
["editor"]=> string(3) "jce"
["helpsite"]=> string(0) ""
["timezone"]=> string(0) "" }
["groups"]=> array(0) { }
["guest"]=> int(0)
["lastResetTime"]=> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
["resetCount"]=> string(1) "0"
["requireReset"]=> string(1) "0"
rotected]=> object(Joomla\Registry\Registry)#837 (3) {
rotected]=> object(stdClass)#830 (6) {
["admin_style"]=> string(1) "8"
["admin_language"]=> string(0) ""
["language"]=> string(0) ""
["editor"]=> string(3) "jce"
["helpsite"]=> string(0) ""
["timezone"]=> string(0) "" }
rotected]=> bool(true)
["separator"]=> string(1) "." }
rotected]=> NULL
rotected]=> array(6) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(1) [2]=> int(2) [3]=> int(3) [4]=> int(7) [5]=> int(8) }
rotected]=> NULL
rotected]=> NULL
rotected]=> object(JUserWrapperHelper)#821 (0) { }
rotected]=> array(0) { }
["otpKey"]=> string(37) "totp:{"code":""}"
["otep"]=> string(300) "" }