I'm using EasyProfile 1.3.4 with Jombridge and Kunena 3.0.6
In Kunena I have guest write access.
Situation 1:
When a guest makes a reply in Kunena there is no guest avatar displayed (in Kunena this is normally the same avatar as that for a user who doesn't have an avatar). Instead [text] is displayed: see attached screenshot avatar-01.png
Situation 2:
When I login to the site and then look at the page with the guest reply. My avatar is displayed as the guest avatar? See attached screenshot avatar-02.png
Both situations are not correct: a default (e.g. the EasyProfile default) avatar should be displayed on the guest reply, or even better: a guest avatar (that is not the same as a registered user with no avatar).
If more information is needed please contact me.
thanks in advance,