sorry but Easy Profile never expose usergroup informations (security purpose).
Anyway you can create a override and add a code to show usergroups, follow these steps:
1) Override Easy Profile Layout (to not loss changes when you update our component)
- copy /components/com_jsn/views/profile/tmpl/default.php into /templates/your-template-folder/html/com_jsn/profile/default.php
2) Add following code between line 101 and 102:
// Access Levels of current logged in User
// Only admins can see usergroups, In default Joomla installations 3 is the a Special acl, you can check this ID from Administration->Users->Access Levels
if(in_array(3,$acl)) {
// var $this->data->groups contains ID of usergroups of displayed user, so we need to get titles of usergroups from DB
$query->select('title')->from('#__usergroups')->where('id in ('.implode(',',$this->data->groups).')');
// Show usergroups
echo implode(',',$usergroups);
NOTE: this code is not tested and not supported, this is only for example purpose