1. tchaya
  2. Features Request
  3. Monday, May 29 2017, 09:29 PM
Now that you have a Membership Pro (OS Membership) plugin, is it possible to create custom fields in Easy Profile that are linked to Membership Pro fields (such as subscription type)?

I prefer the Easy Profile Member List module, so I'd like to use it to display Membership Pro subscriptions for specific plans.
admin Accepted Answer
sorry but we does not provide this kind of integration, but this seems something that already do Membership Pro. try to see at http://membershipprodoc.joomservices.com/synchronize-profile-data
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 1
tchaya Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
sorry but Easy Profile never expose usergroup informations (security purpose).

Anyway you can create a override and add a code to show usergroups, follow these steps:
1) Override Easy Profile Layout (to not loss changes when you update our component)
- copy /components/com_jsn/views/profile/tmpl/default.php into /templates/your-template-folder/html/com_jsn/profile/default.php

2) Add following code between line 101 and 102:

// Access Levels of current logged in User
// Only admins can see usergroups, In default Joomla installations 3 is the a Special acl, you can check this ID from Administration->Users->Access Levels
if(in_array(3,$acl)) {
// var $this->data->groups contains ID of usergroups of displayed user, so we need to get titles of usergroups from DB
$query->select('title')->from('#__usergroups')->where('id in ('.implode(',',$this->data->groups).')');
// Show usergroups
echo implode(',',$usergroups);

NOTE: this code is not tested and not supported, this is only for example purpose
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 3
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