When I have multiple conditions on a field with the same criteria, only one of these will be executed. I would expect ALL of the actions to be taken , when the criteria is met.
you have another condition that affect the field "udmeldtar".
Please check condition in field "udmeldtdato"
Conditions that affect field "udmeldtar":
- Field "korstatus" Condition 1: if equal to 4 show field "udmeldtar" (Inverse: Yes)
- Field "udmeldtdato" Condition 2: if empty show field "udmeldtar" (Inverse: Yes)
At start when you create profile conditions do this:
Condition 1: not met, so hide field "udmeldtar"
Condition 2: met, so show "udmeldtar"
probably there is some conflict between conditions, can you explain me your configuration?
Example of Conflict
- Condition 1: if equal to custom value "VALUE1" then show field "Text" (with "Make Inverse Condition" set to "Yes" )
- Condition 2: if equal to custom value "VALUE2" then show field "Text" (with "Make Inverse Condition" set to "Yes" )
now if value equal to "VALUE1" then the result is:
- Condition 1: condition met, so show field "Text"
- Condition 2: condition not met, so it make inverse condition and hide field "Text"
- Result: field "Text" will be hidden
seems that condition 1 is skipped but is not so, this is the correct logical behavior.
You need to make attention to parameter "Make Inverse Condition" and the order of Conditions
I gave attached a screenshot of three conditions. When the field in question is set to 4, the middle action (show field UdmeldtDato) is executed, but the two others are not.
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