
  1. michelle-shrader
  2. Support
  3. Tuesday, September 13 2016, 04:39 PM
When users register on the site, they do not get an email to activate account. And also its assigning them a different usermane then what they intially sign up with. What is causing both issues and how do I fix it?
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admin Accepted Answer
email works, try to check into SPAM folder, you use PHP mailer to send emails with address like
Emails are sent from your domain but sender email have a different domain (, so probably go to SPAM.
You can set email setting from Joomla Global Configuration (still, activation email is sent by Joomla and not Easy Profile)

about "-" char, I have just tried to register an account with username "test-test" and login works. Anyway you have set login only with email in Easy Profile configuration, so username field is hidden. Keep in mind that login is managed by Joomla and not Easy Profile, it only extends login with a plugin but Joomla authentication is the same.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
Your not understanding on the username thing. He didn't add the "-" in, it did it automatically. Example if I register as Just4chat then thats what should be in both the Name and Username field but it has done it with two users that have signed up. The name and username are different which doesn't allow them to logon after sign up.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
Now it wont let us sign in with username. Have to use email. That never happened before.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 4
admin Accepted Answer
Your not understanding on the username thing. He didn't add the "-" in, it did it automatically. Example if I register as Just4chat then thats what should be in both the Name and Username field but it has done it with two users that have signed up. The name and username are different which doesn't allow them to logon after sign up.
Ah ok :D
Yes, the username is generated by the system from name secondname and lastname fields, because it is not specified it (it is disabled), it will be used also for URL.
This is not a bug, this is an expected behavior.

And how do I change the email that is sent to users to activate. It gives email as username to login with and we want them to use their username not email to login with.
You need to enable username in parameter "Login Type" from Easy Profile options.

Now I understand your purpose: I think you want to have only one field for username and name, I'm sorry but Easy Profile extends Joomla user management (not replace) and Joomla require username and name. There are some workaround to make this:
- In Easy Profile options set "Login Type" to "Username" or "Username or Email"
- In firstname field set a default value like "default" (see screenshot)
- Hide firstname with a CSS like this:

- Assign firstname equal to username by developing a simple plugin based on our skeleton plugin:
- - - Download, Install and Enable Skeleton Plugin (you will find it at
- - - Open file /plugins/jsn/skeleton/skeleton.php
- - - remove samples functions: triggerFieldAvatarUpdate, triggerProfileUpdate
- - - add function like this:

        public function triggerProfileUpdate($user, &$data, $changed, $isNew)
                $data['firstname']=$data['username']; // Easy Profile firstname
                $query='UPDATE #__users SET name=' . $db->quote( $data['username'] ) . ' WHERE id=' . $user->id;
                $db->setQuery( $query )->execute(); // Joomla name

docs about our triggers at
NOTE: This code is not tested and not supported, this is only for example purpose. You need to have a minimum of PHP and Joomla Dev knowledges
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 5
admin Accepted Answer
Now it wont let us sign in with username. Have to use email. That never happened before.
I think you use your nickname instead real username. Username should works always.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 6
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 7
admin Accepted Answer
I have just tried with your credential (provided in this question) and works.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 8
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
I was able to fix that part. Do I find the CSS files in my file manager on Siteground so I can hide the username field?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 9
admin Accepted Answer
Yes, but keep in mind that this is a required field, so it need to have some default value in registration form.

Also to sync username with firstname (Nickname) you need to use another function in skeleton plugin:

public function triggerProfileUpdate($user, &$data, $changed, $isNew)
                $query='UPDATE #__users SET username=' . $db->quote( $data['firstname'] ) . ' WHERE id=' . $user->id;
                $db->setQuery( $query )->execute(); // Joomla username
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 10
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
I am getting frustrated, why does it keep assigning the username field as email? It wasnt doing this before like I said but now is. How do I fix the issue?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 11
admin Accepted Answer
sorry can you explain me better? see my screenshots, it seems correct
Attachments (2)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 12
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 13
admin Accepted Answer
Look at the last user who just signed up
This is normal, user can specify Nickname (fistname,name) and Username, so he can use 2 differents values.

How can I make it only the nickname is visible and not the username or vice versa?
I have explained this in this topic at and vice-versa at
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 14
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
Where do I add the code in? I downloaded the skeleton plug. And do I enter the code exactly as appeared in the above reference? Not sure how the registration got changed because before the username wasn't appearing on the registration page just the nickname.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 15
admin Accepted Answer
Where do I add the code in?

this is specified in my previous reply
Open file /plugins/jsn/skeleton/skeleton.php

Anyway, if you give me a consent we will do this for you ;)
We already have your FTP details but without consent we never touch your files.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 16
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
You have my consent, please fix it. It is much appreciated. I only want the nickname to appear on the registration page but have the nickname and username to link or point or whatever you call it. Basically I want the nickname and username to be the same.

Thank you so much!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 17
admin Accepted Answer
Great, I will come back in about 30 mins ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 18
admin Accepted Answer
Done :D

- Added CSS code to hide firstname at the end of file /templates/rt_oculus/css/rt_oculus-custom.css
- Added PHP code at file /plugins/jsn/skeleton/skeleton.php
- Added default value in Easy Profile for field firstname
- Added following Javascript code at the end of file /templates/rt_oculus/js/load-transition.js

		var name='';
		if($('#jform_username').length && $('#jform_username').val()!='') name=name+$('#jform_username').val();

I have added this code to fill name hidden field otherwise you will get an email like "Hello formatName" instead username.

NOTE: Update your template can be override load-transition.js, and you should be re-insert above code.

Clean your browser cache and try it!!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 19
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
Thanks so much. The only other question I have is the color of the writing within side the gender box, how can i change from white to a color that is visible?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 20
admin Accepted Answer
done ;)

I have added also this code in your css file
#member-registration .chzn-container a,
#member-profile .chzn-container a{color:#444 !important;text-shadow:none !important;}

this code remove also a bad text-shadow
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 21
michelle-shrader Accepted Answer
Thanks! Lol you are gonna be tired of me yet! But when a user tries to register by mobile it just goes back to registration screen. I was able to create account easy by my iPad but when tried from my iPhone it redirected to registration page again.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 22
admin Accepted Answer
this is so strange, iPad and Iphone have same system, I think problem is that there is some error, but in your site is not possible to see these errors because are disabled by your template.

try to login with wrong credentials...can you see some Joomla message error?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 23
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