
  1. itadminguy
  2. General
  3. Thursday, September 29 2016, 03:10 AM
Everything works perfectly on front-end of site.

Just started getting strange behavior for Admin. Backend for fieldgroups and fields.

I previously had a problem with my admin backend area fieldgroups being stuck together.

The wonderful staff at easy profile fixed the problem.

My "root" for fieldgroups was corrupted and fixed.

My problem may have returned. I am having strange behavior when trying to move fields from one fieldgroup to another fieldgroup.

Question 1 - How to "fix" a corrupted root. I searched the other forum posts, and I was the it's ok only one with a prior fix of a corrupted fields root. Should I you go to jsn_fields table and select "repair table"? I back-up every day so I am not worried if something happens to the jsn_users or jsn_fields tables. Is there another way to fix without bothering the wonderful staff at easy profile?

Question 2 - I also have about 7-8 field groups, but I receive an error when trying to add another one.

Here is the error

Save failed with the following error: exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'JsnTableField::_getNode(1, ) failed.' in [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/libraries/joomla/table/nested.php:1542 Stack trace: #0 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/libraries/joomla/table/nested.php(784): JTableNested->_getNode('1') #1 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/administrator/components/com_jsn/tables/field.php(175): JTableNested->store(false) #2 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/administrator/components/com_jsn/models/field.php(378): JsnTableField->store() #3 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/libraries/legacy/controller/form.php(733): JsnModelField->save(Array) #4 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/libraries/legacy/controller/legacy.php(730): JControllerForm->save() #5 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/administrator/components/com_jsn/jsn.php(35): JControllerLegacy->execute('apply') #6 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/libraries/cms/component/helper.php(352): require_once('[myhomerootofmywebsite]/...') #7 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/libraries/cms/component/helper.php(332): JComponentHelper::executeComponent('[myhomerootofmywebsite]/...') #8 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/libraries/cms/application/administrator.php(98): JComponentHelper::renderComponent('com_jsn') #9 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/libraries/cms/application/administrator.php(159): JApplicationAdministrator->dispatch() #10 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/libraries/cms/application/cms.php(251): JApplicationAdministrator->doExecute() #11 [myhomerootofmywebsite]/public_html/administrator/index.php(42): JApplicationCms->execute() #12 {main}

I substituted [myhomerootofmywebsite] with the actual root path.

Is there a way to fix this, or maybe it is related to the same problem as Question 1 "corrupt" fields and/or fieldgroups?

Is there a limit on number of fieldsgroups?
admin Accepted Answer
in table "#__jsn_fields" missing ROOT record, this record is required in all Joomla nested tables (like categories, tags, etc...).

Now I have added this with following query and all works as expected :D

INSERT IGNORE INTO #__jsn_fields(`id`,`parent_id`,`level`,`title`,`alias`,`path`,`type`,`published`,`core`,`required`,`profile`,`register`,`lft`,`rgt`,`access`,`params`,`edit`,`accessview`) VALUES (1,0,0,'ROOT','root','','',0,0,0,0,0, 0,21,1, '', 0,1);

you can find this query in Easy Profile SQL installation file at /administrator/components/com_jsn/sql/install.mysql.utf8.sql
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 1
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