Business case
Website of professional society of senior coaches:
General public can search for a senior coach (find nearby coaches) and view (part of) the profiles of the senior coaches
Senior coaches:
members of the society senior coaches society can register and create/manage their own profile
can use the Social Network (plugin) to communicate/interact with each other
Joomla website
3.8.x, Yootheme template
EasyProfile, Social Network plugin, Seach Module, Map Module
Before I installed the Social Network plugin:
the public visitors could search search and view the profiles of the coaches in the 'normal' way
the senior coaches could manage their profile in the 'normal' way
After I installed the Social Network plugin
the public visitor can search the as before, but the profiles ar now presented in the Social Networking view (where the can't see much as they are not registered/logged-in).
Is there a way to set it up such that the public visitors view the profiles of the senior coaches in the 'normal' way?
Hans Doeve