
  1. stip
  2. Support
  3. Wednesday, November 04 2015, 10:25 AM
Hello Guys,

I'm having an issue with radio buttons, when users edit their profile and select a option from a radio button it forgets this value. I would like to have it that when they open the profile edit page it remembers what they selected last time they were there.

I'm also having an issue with a number field where users fill in a 4 digit number which sometimes starts with a 0 like for example 0807, when you submit this number though it returns it as 807 the next time you open the edit profile page.

Can I get the system to remember radio buttons and not remove 0's at the start of a number?

This is on a live site so if it is a matter of changing settings I would like to do so myself, if it requires you to log in then I can set up a user for you to log in with.

Thanks for your time!
admin Accepted Answer
Is there a way to modify the current field to be a text field with this validation?

No sorry, this is not possible, because numeric field create a column of type integer in DB.

You can do something like this:
- Create text field
- Copy value from numeric field to text field with a simple query (you can do this with some tool like PhpMyAdmin)
UPDATE #__jsn_users SET text_field_alias = number_field_alias

This should copy from column number_field_alias to column text_field_alias, but not add "0". To do this you need more complex query like
UPDATE #__jsn_users SET text_field_alias = number_field_alias WHERE number_field_alias>999;
UPDATE #__jsn_users SET text_field_alias = CONCAT("0",number_field_alias) WHERE number_field_alias>100 AND number_field_alias<1000;

NOTE: These query are not tested, so make a backup of your DB before do it.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
stip Accepted Answer
As i understand it, to change the field type I would have to create a new field and delete the old one, this will presumably lose this fields entry data.

Is there a way to modify the current field to be a text field with this validation?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
Radio Button
This often happens when there are conflicts with the conditions, try checking. Otherwise I simply need an account for access to the frontend to verify ;)

Numeric Field
This behavior is normal, if you want 4 digits you need to use Text field type. To make this validation you can set following parameters in this Text field
- Format: Custom
- Custom Format: [0-9]{4}
see also screenshot

With these parameter in this field is allowed only code with 4 digits ;)
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 3
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