
  1. PhoenixUK
  2. Support
  3. Thursday, December 31 2015, 08:15 PM
Hi There,

I found a previous post on how one can change the <blockquote>jsn_social_registration_message</blockquote>, via the site super user admin logged in to the Social Network plugin - of which I've done if you look at <blockquote>Number 2</blockquote> in the screenshot attached.

However, I cannot seem to find the other section which is the: <blockquote>jsn_social_registration_title</blockquote> part <blockquote>Number 1</blockquote> in the screenshot attached and I've even looked in the the main.css;

.jsn_social .guest_msg{background:url(../img/join.jpg) center center #eee;}
.jsn_social .guest_msg .jsn_social_registration_title,.jsn_social .guest_msg .jsn_social_registration_message{float:left;clear:both;background:none;color:#002f65;font-weight:bold;padding:10px;border-radius:2px;}
.jsn_social .guest_msg #join_now{padding:10px 0;text-align:right;clear:both;}
.jsn_social .guest_msg #join_now_btn{margin-bottom:10px;}
.jsn_social .guest_msg #join_now_btn i{font-size:18px;}
.jsn_social .guest_msg .socialconnect div{display:inline;}
.jsn_social .guest_msg .socialconnect button{margin-right:0px;margin-left:5px;}

There is nowhere in there to change the <blockquote>jsn_social_registration_title</blockquote>

I also cannot find anything related in Admin Panel>System Settings>Custom Blocks

I have also tried searching for a constant or value in my joomla site language overrides but there's nothing turning up either.

Lastly, I need to move Number 1 & 2 upwards - what CSS would I use to do this and also in the attached screenshot - I need to make the overall Hero guest join image have a taller space available, than it currently does... where is the css located for me to make this space taller please?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Attachments (1)
Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
I need to change the jsn_social_registration_title but if I look in the left_column.ctp file you mention above, it doesn't give me the option to change it within the code

The message is in line 16 of left_column.ctp file, you can delete and replace with your code.

therefore how can I change this within the css file, is this possible?
change text with CSS is not recommended but you can do this with this code:
.jsn_social_registration_title{font-size:0px !important;}
.jsn_social_registration_title:before{content:"your new text here";font-size:25px;}

However, whilst I've been playing with the css override, I just CANNOT seem to get the; jsn_social_registration_title & jsn_social_registration_message to move up the join image and also closer together, this would make both of them more readable on my image?
try with this CSS code:
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # Permalink
PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
The above works ok thank you, much appreciated.

  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
sorry I have partially understand your question.

You can do what you like, with template override. Follow these steps to change guest banner.

- Goto Admin Panel->Themes Manager->Choose "Social Network" theme
- On left bar choose Elements->left_column.ctp
- Click on "Copy" button and copy in your theme (or blue them). with this step this file will be overriden and you not lose changes with updates
- Goto Admin Panel->Themes Manager->Choose "Your Theme" (or blue theme)
- On left bar choose Elements->left_column.ctp (this si the copied files)
- Guest Banner is between line 10 and 32, so make your changes.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 3
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