on the Registration form, the "Next" button more often than not will not load (sometimes it will load first try, but on most other occassions it doesn't at all - but if I keep refreshing the page it will eventually load?). When this happens, I also cannot click on any of the Tabs on the registration form to advance it (clicking any of the Tabs only results in urls par example: http://www.mysitename.com/registration#tab0, http://www.mysitename.com/registration#tab2 or http://www.mysitename.com/registration#tab3).
From other posts on this issue it seems to either be a Template override or jQuery/Javascript issue, however I don't understand why it loads successfully sometimes but not others (if it's an override/conflict, shouldn't it override/conflict every time?).
- To address potential template overrides, I have tried the following w/out success:
renamed: /templates/mytemplatename/html/com_users/registration/default.php to =/default_old.php
I am very leery of renaming: /templates/mytemplatename/html/com_users/ to =/oldcom_users = is there any inherent danger in renaming this entire template folder (e.g., potential issues with other template functionality or with template upgrades in the future?)
- I use a lot of 3rd Party components, modules and plugins in a lot of different site builds our clients require and rarely encounter conflicts likes this...instead of working through any number of modules/plugins toggling on/off jQuery loading etc. as a "needle in the haystack" approach (and likely disrupting other necessary functionality within those modules instead), is there a "best practice" for setting jQuery and Javascript loading for Joomla that can be followed? e.g. is there some Global Config or something to set these calls to first come from Joomla API in order to avoid conflicts?

Any thoughts on the best way to address this? I've included a link in the Site Details - thx for the awesome support!