
  1. ruud
  2. General
  3. Saturday, November 29 2014, 10:18 AM

I have been using EasyProfile and Social connect on my site for a couple of days: I get good feedback from my users! a lot of them are utilizing the possibility!

I want to change my site to https only and therefore I need to make changes in the twitter, G+, FB and Linkedin apps that I have created for Social connect.

I am wondering:
1. will changing the settings in the app (from http to https redirrect url) break the already connected users? Can a user who connected via twitter after this change still connect via twitter without being seen as a new user or as a new user with the same mail address?

2. what happens if I delete the apps I have created for twitter, FB, G+, linkedin and create new ones under a different account? what will happen to the connections already made on my website? e.g. I have created the app under my personal twitter account, but want to move the app to my business account? Will the user after this change still be able to login without being seen as a new user, or a new user with the same mail address?

The reason I am asking this is because my previous implemented social media connect solution did have a dependency: I changed my twitter app and all users that where connected via twitter on my website lost their connection and had to reconnect again :(
Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
to keep connection from Joomla users and Social Network, Easy Profile store the member id, so if you change app or URL then it will not change anything ;)

The only thing, the user will be asked to accept that the new app can access your data.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # Permalink
ruud Accepted Answer
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