I see that SoundCloud mentioned for the Social plugin. However, will there be a field for SoundCloud for the profiles specifically? I've just gotten a request to support sound portfolios for voiceover artists and some of them use SoundCloud. Thanks!
Thank you for responding. Perhaps my question wasn't clear. I just want to know how to add SoundCloud as a field type (like YouTube and Vimeo). If it is not going to be officially supported I will try to code this in - I would just need to know what files are involved. Thanks!
each field is composed from 3 files: /administrator/components/com_jsn/helpers/fields/fieldtype.php
This contains output of field, search query,search output,operation to create/delete DB columns and code to render the field in according with Joomla Jform XML.
in XML is specified also the type of validation, if you want a soundcloud link you can create a rule and put this into /administrator/components/com_jsn/models/rule/ruletype.php
This contains parameter and is optionally
this contain the output of field in forms. we use Joomla API so this file in many cases contains the dependence on a default Joomla field. for example, Youtube/Vimeo field is nothing more than a URL field already present in Joomla
I do not know if I explained well, in the future we will put a documentation.
anyway try to see video field file