I run into this "String could not be parsed as XML" problem, frontend and back-end, when editing any profile after switching on a certain group of fields.
See site details.
URGENT! I am having the same problem but with more issues on my site. I have just downloaded and successfully installed easy-profile in the site. Since my site is multi-language, there is a lot of information that needs to be put into it.
Using easyprofile I have created a registration form with a delimeter for terms and conditions.
For this delimiter I recieve a 500 error every time i..
- Cut and paste text (into code side or editor side).
- Add any foreign character (ç, ñ, î, etc) - Which makes having a multi lingual site impossible.
The only way I could make the error go away was to type the entire terms and conditions (in english only since the other languages cause errors) - by hand into the editor.