1. dr.sus
  2. Features Request
  3. Tuesday, September 15 2015, 06:33 PM
It could've been very handy to have a field which would have the capability to add rows of the same type. This way, for instance, users would be able to add their visits abroad by dates, like

Washington Apr 1, 2009 - Aug 1, 2009
New York Jun 11, 2008 - Jul 2, 2008

and so on and so forth.

This is a common feature in profiles/databases and am confident you have the abilities to introduce it in your component.
admin Accepted Answer
thanks for your suggestion, now we not plan to make something like this. In future maybe.

For this thing we recommend a dedicated component.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 1
dr.sus Accepted Answer
Thanks for the reply.
Is there any component you would recommend that would work with Easy Profile and would display values on the profile info page?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
In your case I would use a component that allows me to add records with a simple button like "Add visits abroad", with form to put Location,Start Date,End Date.
Location,Start Date,End Date should have validations (examples: Start date minor of End date), Location can have some feature like Google Maps,... I think for this you can use any component that manage events.

Show on profile page
To show this list in profile page you can create Textarea field shown only on profile (not in edit profile or registration). Now you need to write a simple plugin, many Joomla components have event handlers when you insert or update something, so when user insert a new events this plugin do:
- Get events of user from Database (maybe with start date order)
- Create a simple Text list
- Put in Easy Profile Textarea field this list, to do this we have some API (https://www.easy-profile.com/docs/38-jsnuser-object.html)

Our Concept
The concept is that when there is a relationship 1 to N is not clear what are the N (photos, events, etc ...), then you should use a component that manages them.

For example to manage a image gallery of a user it does not make sense to create many image fields, but would you use a component that does this. for example in this case we have an integration of Joomgallery.

Another example might be the articles, it makes no sense to create N textarea fields. the best thing is to use the articles in Joomla. It will be released tomorrow an integration to show items in the user profile pages.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 3
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