
  1. Burnardo
  2. Support
  3. Monday, November 26 2018, 03:14 PM
After switching from using 'Community Builder' to 'Easy Profile', I am quite satisfied using it...

However when trying to add a new user I am missing some information on the admin side of the Joomla site.
Existing users have 3 different 'tabs' with their data.

First tab is named 'details' and holds items like: First Name, Password etc.
Second tab is named 'coontact' and holds items like: Emailadress and telephone numbers.
Last and third tab is called "Personal' and holds data like: Hobbies, Interests etc.

Now when logged in on the admin side trying to add a new user, I get to fill in a number of details but there are no fields available for items like emailaddress and telephone numbers, which are under 'contact'. Also, there are no fileds visible from the 'pasonal' tab, but non of those is obligatory.
As an emailaddress is obligated, there is no way that I can get around this.

How should I tackle this problem?

Is there a 'setting' that causes the fields under 'contact' to be invisible when adding a new user?

Thansk for your time and effort,
kind regards,
Ban van Wetten
admin Accepted Answer
Feel free to contact us for any trouble :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
Burnardo Accepted Answer
Already solved my problem...
Going into the database and changing the 'published' status of several items (including emailaddress) in the _jsn_fields table, now made them editable and visible again.
Also deleted the items that formed the old 'tab' under Community Builder.

Now I am able to start afresh with creating new groups in EasyProfile and putting the right items under the right tabs without losing any data. And it is again how I wanted it to behave...

Thanks for your time,
Kind Regards
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
How should I tackle this problem?

have you checked the parameter called "Available for" for fieldgroups? if you have set something like "Registered" then these fields will be available only after registration, so when you (the admin) or user register an account these fields will be not available because user is just a guest.

Looking at the details of users, there is still no 'emailaddress' as data visible or editable...
Can you please send me a screenshot of field list from Administrator->Components->Easy Profile to help us to understand better :D ?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 3
Burnardo Accepted Answer
Latest news:
Just found out that I am able to change the tab under which an item is set. SO the data-item emailaddress now has been changed to a place under the tab 'details'>
Looking at the details of users, there is still no 'emailaddress' as data visible or editable...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 4
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