1. 4creator
  2. Bug Report
  3. Friday, February 20 2015, 01:45 PM

We have 2 menus for Easy Profile on main menu of our website.
One is "Easy Profile » Users List" and its Alias is "members". Other one is "Easy Profile » profile" and its Alias is "my-profile".

When I click one member for showing his profile, URL is "domain/mydashboard/my-profile/username". I think "mydashboard/my-profile" is strange, because his profile is not my profile. It should be like "domain/members/username".

When I click "Edit profile" button, URL is "domain/sign-out/profile?layout=edit" in my case. I think that this URL should be like "domain/members/profile?layout=edit".

I guess this URL issue is bug of Easy Profile. This bug has a bad influence on Breadcrumbs and web browser title.
What do you think?

Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
sorry but is not a bug, this is normal.

Easy Profile user Joomla SEF and MVC model, in Joomla each Menu item have 2 required variables:
- Option: define component to use
- View: define the view of component

your member page have "list" as view, so this menu item is only for list.

you can set the menu tree so:
- Members (type EP->Users List)
- - Profile (type EP->Profile Page)
- My dashboard
- - My profile (type System->Alias of Profiles)

so all users have this URL /members/profile/username

Edit Button Issue
Easy Profile extends Joomla User profile, so registration/edit profile pages are the same of Joomla. So Joomla redirect on some menu item for com_users option variable. In your case menu item "sign-out".
To solve this you can create a menu item of type User Managment->Edit Profile or User Managment->User Profile
so your menu tree could be:
- Members (type EP->Users List)
- - Profile (type EP->Profile Page)
- My dashboard
- - My profile (type System->Alias of Profiles)
- - Edit profile (type User Managment->Edit Profile)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # Permalink
4creator Accepted Answer
Thank you for your nice support!

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
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