1. When a member joins they choose between 2 groups and are automatically assigned as Registered and either Group A (Mentors) or Group B (Mentees)
I want the search to be available to only Mentees (B) and think I have managed this with the SQL.
However rather than a menu-link to Search I needed to make it stand out so created a module with css styling to go to a hidden-menu item with access for only Mentees (B) in the ACL
However the link appears to both groups unless I remove Group B from the Registered access level.
This feels wrong. Could you check for me please? I suspect this is a Joomla issue rather than easy profile but the advanced functions of EP have got me in a knot

2. I have created a Manager-only user Group which does not add them as Registered users nor in Mentor or Mentee groups. However they are appearing in Searches which really must not happen. Again, this may be due to my poor configuration of Joomla ACL.
Please can you check this for me to see where I'm going wrong?
Access info in secure tab.