Good News!
we have developer a import plugin.
- Install plugin
- Go to extensions plugin and search 'user import'
- Go to plugin and set access and enable it
- Go on your-site/index.php?option=com_jsn&view=import
- This is a alpha version
- When user existing and you choose to override information, the username and password are not changed.
- A field should never miss:
email, and name or firstname
- Import only from CSV
- The first row of CSV file determines the columns (alias of field)
Examples Of CSV
john;[email protected];passwordofjohn;John;Doe
mark;[email protected];passwordofmark;Mark;White
[email protected];passwordofjohn;John;Doe;male
[email protected];passwordofmark;Mark;White;male
[email protected];passwordofjohn;John Doe;male
[email protected];passwordofmark;Mark White;male
Please report in this topic any issue.