
  1. dimazik
  2. Support
  3. Monday, May 08 2017, 05:30 PM
Good day, Admins.
Thank so much for your work!

There is one question. Where can I customize the alphabet of user lists?
I'm using Ukrainian. The letter "a" of course should be the first.
The list is sorted alphabetically, except for two letters of the Ukrainian alphabet.

Joomla 3.7.0; Easy Profile Pro 2.4.1; PHP7
Attachments (1)
dimazik Accepted Answer
It is excellent!
With the update of the component, the Kirilist alphabet (Ukrainian) is displayed correctly.
Thanks for the work!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
dimazik Accepted Answer
Many thanks!
I'll wait for the update.
I will report the results.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
Hi Dmitry,
and thanks for your availability, we have found the problem and will try to fix it for the next release. In the meantime you can set order by "Formatname".

About the problem:
Joomla have changed DB charset of #__users table, so when it is join with Easy Profile user table then the "order by" statement inherit directive COLLATE from #__users (so utf8mb4_unicode_ci instead utf8_unicode_ci)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
dimazik Accepted Answer
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Rolandcharcker Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
admin Accepted Answer
we have not experience with Cyrillic charset, my statements are just suppositions.

for example (just another supposition):
Є is not a common Cyrillic char (it is used only in only in Ukrainian alphabet) and maybe your Mysql Server assume this as Symbol (Greek Epsilon) (not letter)

Can you please send me a link to see this list to investigate?

Maybe Joomla is to blame?
This is not a Joomla issue, this is something that regards Database server. Joomla and Easy Profile use a simple SQL "Order By" command, but the order is provided by Database.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 6
dimazik Accepted Answer
This screenshot shows that before the letter "A" there are cyrillic "I" and "Є".
Of course, "Є" is absent in the latin.
I checked: the letter "i" is а сyrillic.
Maybe Joomla is to blame?This screenshot shows that before the letter "A" there are cyrillic "I" and "Є".\
Of course, "Є" is absent in the latin.
I checked: the letter "i" is сyrillic.
Maybe Joomla is to blame?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 7
admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late reply, it swas too late for us and our offices was closed :D

Ok, but what do I do now with urlencode function?)
Nothing, this is only an example to understand the difference between "I" (latin) and "Ι" (cirillic).

Mysql "Order by" statement order with this criteria:

A (latin)
B (latin)
I (latin)
Z (latin)
A (cyrillic)
I (cyrillic)

So I think that names like "Iгнатенко" used I (initial) with latin charset

You should correct "I" (latin) with "I" (cyrillic) in these name.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 8
dimazik Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 9
admin Accepted Answer
Where can I customize the alphabet of user lists?

you can set the ordering column from User List menu item options (see screenshot).

I'm using Ukrainian. The letter "a" of course should be the first.
The list is sorted alphabetically, except for two letters of the Ukrainian alphabet.

If you have already selected the correct column then probably there is a problem with names,
for example:
"I" (latin) is different from "Ι" (cirillic), so mysql seems to use a bad order.

You can see the difference with a simple php urlencode function (see screeshot)
I (latin) => I
Ι (cirillic) => %CE%99
Attachments (2)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 10
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