
  1. komailali
  2. General
  3. Sunday, April 03 2016, 10:27 AM
I want to create a User-List (table type) and sorted based on UserGroup field.
(User group is not in "order" list! (See attachment picture)
How can I do this?
Attachments (2)
admin Accepted Answer
You can set order of your UserList based on each Easy Profile field (see screenshots from Basic/Pro)
Attachments (2)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 1
gerg-byte Accepted Answer
Easy Profile Support wrote:

as I said:
Usergroup is not a Easy Profile field, so this is not possible.

Still, you can assign multiples usergroup for each user, then, the order not make a sense.

Is it possible to sort the users in any way at all; if not by usergroup?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
as I said:
Usergroup is not a Easy Profile field, so this is not possible.

Still, you can assign multiples usergroup for each user, then, the order not make a sense.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 3
gerg-byte Accepted Answer
This is a pretty reasonable request. I do not have this plugin at all, but I am wondering about the same functionality.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 4
komailali Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 5
admin Accepted Answer
you can't ask support for nulled version here.
I don't but this product still, and this version that i install is null and have bug

Yes, your version probably is buggy (I think you have 1.3.10, released one year ago) and not fully compatible with J3.4 and 3.5. Also this version is not compatible with new PHP7.

It makes no sense evaluate an old version that does not work on new Joomla releases. Moreover make me waste time.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 6
komailali Accepted Answer
Easy Profile Support wrote:

in screenshot I see that you have a paid version, but you never buy it. Please use a valid account to request support or you will be banned from this site.

I don't but this product still, and this version that i install is null and have bug, for example when I click on user properties in a User-List, the profile of user is not shown.
I am checking that is Easy-Profile suitable for my propose?
If Easy-Profile is suitable for my web site, I'd certainly buy it.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 7
admin Accepted Answer
in screenshot I see that you have a paid version, but you never buy it. Please use a valid account to request support or you will be banned from this site.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 8
komailali Accepted Answer
Easy Profile Support wrote:

Usergroup is not a Easy Profile field, so this is not possible.

Can I define a custom field in Easy-Profile and this field filled automatically according to UserGroup?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 9
admin Accepted Answer
in screenshot I see that you have a paid version, but you never buy it. Please use a valid account to request support or you will be banned from this site.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 10
admin Accepted Answer
Usergroup is not a Easy Profile field, so this is not possible.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 11
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