Congrats for the extension. It works exactly as promised.
Now I am looking for some ideas to get the following done:
- We have several users (students) in the site of a educational institucion. Each of them is allocated to a single teacher.
- In Easy Profile, I am making this with a select field called "teacher" in each student profile, with values being "teacher 1|teacher 1", "teacher 2|teacher 2"..
- We need to have in a single page all the users listed in a table... BUT
- As the teachers should be listed in the heading of a column each, and the students in the rows below each teacher,
- the table should be created with different values of a single field in each column, instead of different fields in each column
As know, the "Users List (Table)" module/menu item allows only to display fields in columns and the corresponding values in rows, but not the reverse.

That said
With a great dose of ingenuity, I have managed to get sthg akin done by calling several mod_jsnusers modules from inside an article. Each of those modules calls for different values of the "teacher" field by means of SQL Custom Where... and as the modules are arranged in columns of a greater table, the result is pretty much the same (see image attached, where each user shown is a student, and "Preparador" ).
i.e., the first module inside a conventional
tag reads teacher = 'teacher 1', the 2nd module
teacher = 'teacher 2', and so on.

The whole thing is that the result is faaaaar from being tidy and clear.

Would it be possible to get this function (different user field values of a single field in different columns) implemented by you?
Is there any alternative way to get the same result that I am lookinf for using the current tool in its current state?
Is there any hierarchical way to connect users between them with EP and list them in a table, with each user allocated to another user? (I mean: a table where the columns read "User Teacher-A", "User Teacher-B"... and the rows "User first-student-allocated-to-user-Teacher-X", "User second-student-allocated-to-user-Teacher-X"

Thanks in advance. Any help would be very welcome!!!