
  1. hdoeve
  2. Bug Report
  3. Friday, June 06 2014, 11:05 AM
I've set up (joomla 3.3) Easy Profile Pro, a dozen of extra fields in 4 groups, imported 200+ users (beta1, problems with a`, ä, etc). Updated to JSN 1.3.2.

Two separate issue's.

Issue 1
I have to set field setting 'available for' to public in order the have the fields shown during registration. This settings seems to overrule the visibility setting for registration. May be not a bug, but not what I expected (the other way around).

Issue 2
I've created a menu-item showing the users list. In menu management I've set the access rights to registered. However any one who is nog logged in can see the menu-item and when clicked see the users list. Access to individual profiles is not allowed (login is shown).

My site (Dutch):

Users list (menu-item=leden>ledenlijst):


Accepted Answer
hdoeve Accepted Answer
Thanks again for fast response.

Issue 1:
OK, I understand the differences and the purposes. However if you want a field to be present during registration you have to set it Public (as well? ... multi-selector?)

Issue 2:
Sorry for the trouble but my settings were wrong indeed. STEP 1 Guest User group was mistakenly set to Registered.

Now the Joomla ACL works allright.

It seems a but odd to me that this setting in Easy Profile influences the behavior of the whole website.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # Permalink
admin Accepted Answer
problems with a`, ä, etc
Thanks for report!

I have to set field setting 'visible for' to public in order the have the fields shown during registration
This setting set the access to view this field in others profile. Example: if I set this on Special for Email field, this field can be seen only from Special users and Owner (and who can access to backend Users Manager). This option have no effect on registration or edit profile. This is a new feature and we must improve the tips on this setting.

However any one who is nog logged in can see the menu-item and when clicked see the users list. Access to individual profiles is not allowed (login is shown).
I need Site details to check your configuration (if you can send please use the form below the reply in "Site Details" tab). The menu item visibility is managed by Joomla (not Easy Profile). For set visibility for profiles try to see in Easy Profile configuration.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 1
hdoeve Accepted Answer
Issue 1:
I made a mistake, sorry. It is not about “visible for”. It about “avialable for”. I’ve updated the item on the forum to reflect this.
I haven’t checked all the combinations of settings related to “visible on”, “visible for” and “available for”.

I assume that “visible for” sets the threshold (public/guest/registers/special) on all page types (register, view, edit), while “visible on” (yes/no) sets visibility on each page type.
On my site profiles (all fields) should be visible by registerd users (members) only and visitors (public) should be able to register and see and fill all fields during registration.
I’ve have set all setting “for and on” to public. This works fine. Joomla blocks the “show my profile” page for public, and magically “show profile of other member” is also blocked (see Issue 2).

Question: what is the difference between “visible for” and “available for”?

Suggestion: “visible for” and “available for” should also be implemented per page type. Or, should be integrated with “visible on” (no, public/guest/registered/special).

Issue 2:
ACL is managed by Joomla indeed, but I suppose that Easy Profile should provide/use the rights hooks for this to work. Anyway you are right, we have a serious Joomla 3.3 problem here. I tried various other menu-item-types/components, none of them works correctly.


  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
Issue 1:
I will explain you with examples:
Available for:
You can have different usergroups (types of user) for example Teacher,Student; these groups may have different fields, you can set with "available for" which fields assign to each usergroup (after you have set the accesslevel for groups)

Visible for:
2 use cases:
1. With privacy user can set visibility for his fields. but there are many cases when the admin want to set the visibility of field:
For example the email field should be seen on your profile, but this field should be protected from other users (spam issue). with this parameter you can set this field to show only from Special users. So the field can be see only from admin and owner.
2. You have 2 usergroups for example Teacher,Student; the student can see only Course field for Teacher field, but other teacher can see even Private Contact of other teacher. You can choose for Course the visibility for to Public and Private Contact to Teacher (after you have set the accesslevel for groups)

Issue 2:
Try to check these steps
- Go on Administration->Users->User Manager->Options
- Check this parameter "Guest User Group" if is set to Guest
STEP 2 (IF Step 1 was correct)
- Go on Administration->Users->Access Levels
- Select "Registered" Access Level
- Check that it is set to Manager and Registered
STEP 3 (IF step 2 was correct)
- Go on Administration->Users->Groups
- Check if Guest groups is on the root of tree
STEP 4 (IF step 3 was correct)
- If not work please post me your site details, we can check for you (I think this is some wrong configuration)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 3
admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late reply.

However if you want a field to be present during registration you have to set it Public (as well? ... multi-selector?)
Set all on public and manage this with "visible on registration".

No needed to multiple select, from Visible for and Availabe for you can set Access Level (not group). The access levels can have multiple groups.

It seems a but odd to me that this setting in Easy Profile influences the behavior of the whole website.
This is not a setting of Easy Profile, this is a setting of Joomla User Manager.
Easy Profile extends Joomla User Manager, not replace.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 4
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