- Update count of members: skeleton plugin will update the total of member of each of the groups, so you need only to update a user and the script will be triggered. NOTE: users must not be a admin and you need to change some field otherwise skeleton plugin will be not triggered
INSERT IGNORE INTO #__jsnsocial_users(id) SELECT id FROM #__jsn_users
needed a real person's name?Ops, this is my fault, I have used "Easy Profile Support Team" as name, anyway this is not important, we have fixed it via FTP.
Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given inA result like this may be correct, insert query return a boolean and not a result.
INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) SELECT 11,id,1,NOW() FROM #__jsn_users WHERE team LIKE '%"1"%';
INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) SELECT 10,id,1,NOW() FROM #__jsn_users WHERE team LIKE '%"2"%';
INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) SELECT 8,id,1,NOW() FROM #__jsn_users WHERE team LIKE '%"4"%';
INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) SELECT 4,id,1,NOW() FROM #__jsn_users WHERE team LIKE '%"5"%';
INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) SELECT 3,id,1,NOW() FROM #__jsn_users WHERE team LIKE '%"6"%';
INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) SELECT 7,id,1,NOW() FROM #__jsn_users WHERE team LIKE '%"7"%';
INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) SELECT 9,id,1,NOW() FROM #__jsn_users WHERE team LIKE '%"8"%';
INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) SELECT 5,id,1,NOW() FROM #__jsn_users WHERE team LIKE '%"9"%';
INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) SELECT 2,id,1,NOW() FROM #__jsn_users WHERE section LIKE '1';
INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) SELECT 1,id,1,NOW() FROM #__jsn_users WHERE section LIKE '2';
public function triggerProfileUpdate($user,&$data,$changed,$isNew){
$admins = array(151,162,542); /* replace with IDs of administrators */
if ( ! in_array( $user->id, $admins ) ) { /* if user is not an admin */
At what point does this code get executed and what event triggers the execution... is when users login, change their profile?This code will be trigger every time user register or update own profile.
Is there a possibility to trigger this plugin manually to set up the users groups in Social Connect from the existing field settings in their EasyProfile settings?mmmh...maybe, unfortunately we have not tested it but you can try to export* and import** all users. Import feature will launch JUser::save function, so it should trigger also this plugin.
public function triggerProfileUpdate($user,&$data,$changed,$isNew){
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
/* remove user from all groups if he is not a new member */
if(!$isNew) {
$query = 'DELETE FROM #__jsnsocial_group_users WHERE user_id = '. $user->id . 'AND group_id IN (1,2,3)'; /* Replace 1,2,3 with ids of groups, you can find it from Admin Panel->Groups Manager */
if( $data[team] == 'Rabbits'){
$group_to_add = 1; /* replace 1 with Rabbits group ID */
if( $data[team] == 'Sabres'){
$group_to_add = 2; /* replace 2 with Sabres group ID */
if( $data[team] == 'Foxes'){
$group_to_add = 3; /* replace 3 with Foxes group ID */
if( isset( $group_to_add ) ) {
$query = 'INSERT INTO #__jsnsocial_group_users(group_id,user_id,status,created) VALUES ('.$group_to_add.','.$user->id.',1,NOW() )';
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