
  1. webilicious
  2. Features Request
  3. Wednesday, February 17 2016, 04:05 AM

I recently discovered and purchased Easy Profile and am truly amazed at all the things it can do, thank-you!

I love the Custom SQL WHERE feature but unfortunately the module restricts you to ordering by one field only.

Could we have a module without the ordering restriction where I can include an "ORDER BY" parameter in the Custom SQL WHERE field to specify a custom order (e.g. order by multiple fields)?

Thanks and keep up the good work.

Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
"where" and "order" should be separated parameters. the complete query is build by Joomla JDatabase class and this require 2 different parameters, JDatabase allow you to use a text query but this way is not possibile because complete "where" is build by different files and classes.

Multiple sort fields would be an improvement but an option to disable the Order option so that SQL syntax can be used in the WHERE statement would be even better (see attachment as an example).
I agree, but this is not user friendly. Solution with 3 levels of order fit 99,9% of cases. Keep in mind that Easy Profile is a profiler component (not directory component).

Now to fit your requirement you can create a field called user list order, this field should be hidden in profile,edit profile and registration pages. With this configuration you will have this field available only on backend.

Anyway in order to improve our features we will consider your suggestion for future :) , but this is not a priority.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # Permalink
admin Accepted Answer
I agree, SQL Custom Where is very powerful and flexible, query from others tables, query based on current user values (with our content plugin), etc...
But this parameter is not user friendly ( many customers do not know SQL ).

The parameter to sort users should be very simple because it only sets an order, so we could add other order levels like our User List menu item (screenshot). This might suit your needs?
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 1
webilicious Accepted Answer
Thanks for the prompt reply!

Multiple sort fields would be an improvement but an option to disable the Order option so that SQL syntax can be used in the WHERE statement would be even better (see attachment as an example).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 2
webilicious Accepted Answer
OK, thanks. I didn't realise the WHERE and ORDER BY parameters needed to be built separately.

I understand I can create a hidden profile field for the order and use that to sort the way I want.

Thanks very much for your help!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 3
[email protected] Accepted Answer
Whilst the component offers 3 means of sorting, the module only offers one.

I already have a hidden sort field but, having sorted on that, the subsequent results are in any random order.

At the very least, I'd like to be able to sort them alphabetically after my initial sort field.

Is this possible? Or, if not, could I add this as a feature request.


  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 4
admin Accepted Answer
this is not possible with a simple way, so we will add this in our next release :D

Thanks for your suggestion.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 5
[email protected] Accepted Answer
Thanks for the reply.

I look forward to your next release.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 6
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