
  1. viryagroup
  2. Features Request
  3. Friday, September 11 2015, 08:01 AM

I have need for more advance filtering in "users list" or "users list (table)".

In the current setup there is the menu-item tab offers a fieldlist where fields to be searched can be added. Invoking the search will return only fields that match all criteria.

My current use case is a knowledge base where i would to list persons that match ANY of the criteria ( effectively OR-ing the results of each field match).

So matching if ( a text searchterm is partially matched by text field ) OR
( if checkbox field contains the any of the checked search boxes ) etc

It would be best to make the decision for the AND - OR type of search as part of the search form in the module or list search form

I would require the above on short term

In a later stage it would be even better to add some real logic to the "search" tab configuration in the menu item or module configuration. I envision something like

1 to n "terms to search" entries groups with
1) name
2) slection of the actual fields to search (as is now
3) the logical operator for the fields ( as defined by 2) in that group ( AND, OR, XOR etc)
4) matching type ( EQUALS, CONTAINS, LIKE etc )

Then 1 free text field to construct the overall "query" for logically combining fields "1..n" using SQL syntax
exampe ( term1 AND ( term2 OR term3 )

thanks in advance for considering

admin Accepted Answer
thanks for your suggestion, we plan to improve search features in the future, but for now is not a priority, Easy Profile is a profiler component and not directory component.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
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