I have several problems with easy Profile
1) Impossible to eliminate the conditions: I had 22 conditions, and could eliminate them up to 11... now the last ones are impossible to eliminate. I work with chrome, so I tried with firefox an Edge, but results always the same.
Than I tried to eliminate the fields inside of each one of the conditions, to make these conditions without effect... but after saving, all fields are appearing again. We tried and tried, but always the same is happening.
2) in the field "I am" (spanish "yo soy"

empresa_ong|ONG (Organización no Gubernamental)
empresa_opg|OPG (Organización Política / Gubernamental)
empresa_small|PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa, hasta 25 empleados)
empresa_big|Empresa (desde 26 empleados)
escuela_primaria|Escuela (Nivel primario)
escuela_secundaria|Escuela (Nivel secundario)
escuela_terciaria|Escuela (Nivel terciario / técnico)
institucion_cientifica|Institución Científica
Now in the conditions of this field, I want to make appearing different registration fields depending on the type of institution who registers.
For example for schools (=escuela) I need a field "How much Students" (=Numero de alumnos) and for Businesses (=empresa) I need a field "How much Employees" (=Numero de empleados). Both of them needs fields like "institutional name" (=razon social) and Headquarters (=Sede). Meanwhile, these fields are not needed for individual registration. [img Pbl3.jpg, Pbl4.jpg]
How can I resolve this challenge?
3) Which writing format should I use for the condition "Contain-Custom Value": escuela or "escuela" or 'escuela' to make a unique condition who referrs to all school (=escuela) options? [Img Pbl1.jpg, Pbl2.jpg]
4) Is it possible to set different values for the condition "Contain-custom Value"? for example: "escuela; empresa" Which format should I use to write it correctly? [Img Pbl2.jpg]
Actually it doesn't work, and the registrated users are NOT added to any Usergroup, so I guess I wrote it the wrong way. (However the same problem happened as I used the option this field is "equal to" "persona_hombre"

5) Fields who are NOT "visible on registration" will be activated by a condition, or not? (which of them is dominating: the "visible on registration, or the conditions)
6) The first condition of several conditions will be respected or overrided by the second, third condition? (which of them is dominant: the first or the last one?)
7) Suggestion:
- the documentation about conditions is very poor. It would be very useful to see concrete examples.
My configuration: Newest Joomla version, Newest EasyProfile version, Chrome, Firefox, Windows10, HP Omen. All drivers actualized. Cache and history canceled.
Thank you for helping!