We need to display members from different groups, and we also need to NOT display members from a specifiuc groud (like super users). How is this possible?Yes, this is possible. In each menu item of type Users->Users List and Users->Users Table (and also in the Users List module) there is a parameter called Custom SQL Where. This parameter set a static filter to the list.
Is ist possible to add an editor to the Text Area Field for e.g. formatting the description of a user / member? Like here in the support area? Maybe also in the registration?Yes, in Textarea field type there is a parameter called type, see screenshot. The Joomla built-in editor TinyMce allow you to customize options and features for each Usergroup from Extensions->Plugins->Editor - TinyMCE
Is it possible to send members a preview before making it public?This seems not possible, but maybe I does not understand well, can you explain me better?
The Videos in our website are not looking well. How can I set the dimensions?Unfortunately there is not a option for this, anyway you can set dimension with CSS code, for example for video show in profile page you can add some CSS code like this in your template options:
.jsn-p-fields iframe{max-width:300px;}
Is it possible to add a badge (image or Text) to the profile?
I pasted group_id IN (groupid10) where groud ID 10 should be our main group to list all membersCorrect syntax is something like
group_id IN (10)
Okay, I tired. I use YOOtheme pro, if I add the additional css it does noct work. Also not for the video...Unfortunately seems that your code was added before components styles, try with this (title,video and avatar size):
.jsn-p-fields iframe{max-width:300px !important;}
body .jsn-l-title h3{
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
@media (min-width: 1024px){ /* Avatar is too big, so have 300px of width only in large pages */
body .jsn-p-avatar img{
width:300px; /* Size of avatar */
body .jsn-p-top-a .jsn-p-title, body .jsn-p-top-a .jsn-p-before-fields{
margin-left:320px; /* Margin of content at the right of avatar 300px (avatar) + 20px (margin) */
Is it not possible to add a adress in maps without street and numer? E.g. just Rome, Italy?It should be possible, anyway you can also filter available Google Map results, see screenshot
It does not work, when I just type in this (Rome, Italy). This would be very nice...
I tired the line "user_id NOT IN (userid1,userid2,...)" with my user IDs but after saving no user was shown.For now this is not necessary, instead can you please copy here your Custom SQL Where setting?
Should I create a superuser-account for you to check it?
Create a custom field of type HTML Delimiter calledHTML delimiter field type allow you to add static html content in a field position. docs at http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/html-delimiter-field-type
Is it also possible to show some more fields in the list page?
Can I also format the Name shown in the list e.g. in <h3> or something?The name is already an H3 tag, of course you can add some CSS code to your template to style it, like this:
.jsn-l-title h3{
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
Is it also possible to show some more fields in the list page?
In the Users List menu item you can choose which field to show with parameter called "Field to Show" (in tab Users List Option)
Perfect! Thanks.
Can I also format the Name shown in the list e.g. in <h3> or something?The name is already an H3 tag, of course you can add some CSS code to your template to style it, like this:.jsn-l-title h3{
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
@media (min-width: 1024px){ /* Avatar is too big, so have 300px of width only in large pages */
.jsn-p-avatar img{
width:300px; /* Size of avatar */
.jsn-p-top-a .jsn-p-title, .jsn-p-top-a .jsn-p-before-fields{
margin-left:320px; /* Margin of content at the right of avatar 300px (avatar) + 20px (margin) */
Another question: is there an option for an image gallery with lighbox?No sorry
Is it possible to search all contents of the user fields from the standard joomla search?No sorry
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