
  1. guizben
  2. General
  3. Wednesday, September 07 2016, 05:06 PM

Sorry if it has already been asked before but couldn't find a direct answer.

I'm developping a website for an esport association, where kunena handles every registred users profiles. I'm using easyprofile to list and introduce our members (role whithin the association, personnal informations, track record,...), which means it will not be used by non-members registred users

I don't wan't kunena to use easyprofile page as profile (need kunena one for admin/moderation frontend use), but I wonder if it's possible to get kunena profile informations (avatar, date of birth, social network IDs,...) and put them into easyprofile ? and if it is, how could I do ?
Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
Sorry this is not simply to explain. We never did something like this, and searching a solution take many hours.

avatar example:
method 1 (copy avatar from kunena)
Probably kunena have some trigger launched when you change user information, so you should develop a kunena plugin that change Easy Profile avatar (in DB) when user change Kunena Avatar
NOTE: This method should works also for other fields

method 2 (use kunena avatar direcly)
Hack Easy Profile image (function getImage from file /administrator/components/com_jsn/models/fields/image.php) file type to return kunena avatar if field is "imagefull.php"

Show Kunena User info in Easy Profile example:
method 1: build tabs plugin (for example based on our tab article plugin) to show Kunena info in Easy Profile
method 2: you can override template file to show kunena fields instead Easy Profile fields, template file that render EP fields is /components/com_jsn/views/profile/tmpl/default_fields.php

There are many other method to do these things (above are only examples), but all require a lot of work and testing.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
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guizben Accepted Answer
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guizben Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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admin Accepted Answer
I'm very sorry but this is not possible with a simple way.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 3
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