I'm currently improving the registration/profile form for a client and I came across 3 issues:
1. Please add an option to disable chosen on select lists. This can be done by adding the attribute data-chosen="true" to the list element. You would have to override the core list field for that to easily work...
2. Please also add an option to add CSS classes to all fields. It would make my life a lot easier if I were able to add my own custom classes to a select list or radio list. The core fields mostly support this already.
3. Related to 2: My customer has a field for the gender as a select list. We added the gender icons in front of the text and that failed quite spectacularly. Turns out that adding HTML to the options in a select list does not seem to work or at least not in this case. So we wanted to switch that select list to a radio list. The radio list however looks like shit. So I tried to apply the button group design to it like there is in the Joomla admin backend. That is rather complex, but I think having the ability to switch the radio list to a button group like the yesno buttons in the Joomla global configuration would be a great feature.
Thanks for your time and regards,