
  1. Hackwar
  2. Features Request
  3. Thursday, August 17 2017, 10:44 PM
I'm currently improving the registration/profile form for a client and I came across 3 issues:

1. Please add an option to disable chosen on select lists. This can be done by adding the attribute data-chosen="true" to the list element. You would have to override the core list field for that to easily work...

2. Please also add an option to add CSS classes to all fields. It would make my life a lot easier if I were able to add my own custom classes to a select list or radio list. The core fields mostly support this already.

3. Related to 2: My customer has a field for the gender as a select list. We added the gender icons in front of the text and that failed quite spectacularly. Turns out that adding HTML to the options in a select list does not seem to work or at least not in this case. So we wanted to switch that select list to a radio list. The radio list however looks like shit. So I tried to apply the button group design to it like there is in the Joomla admin backend. That is rather complex, but I think having the ability to switch the radio list to a button group like the yesno buttons in the Joomla global configuration would be a great feature.

Thanks for your time and regards,
admin Accepted Answer
Hi Hannes,
thanks for your suggestions.

1. and 2. We will add these improvements soon, but not in next release because it is almost ready (it solve some minor bugs).
3. To add HTML options you can use a simple workaround by using Joomla language constants, for example you can have options like:

you can assign translations for constants OPTION_MALE and OPTION_FEMALE. In translation you can add also HTML code ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 1
Hackwar Accepted Answer
I did exactly that, but the result was that the HTML got escaped in the select list options, resulting in the text to be

<i class="fa fa-gender-male"></i> Male
instead of displaying the icon.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 2
Hackwar Accepted Answer
Something else that also is an issue for me: Can you add a switch to the component configuration to not add the EP CSS to the pages? My customer has custom CSS in his template and your CSS overwrites that CSS each time we upgrade. Either use JHtml::_('stylesheet') and put your CSS in the /media folder or allow us to switch off that CSS completely.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 3
admin Accepted Answer
I did exactly that, but the result was that the HTML got escaped in the select list options, resulting in the text to be

you have right, this is a Joomla thing for select fields.

Therefore the only solution is to use radio field and add some style to make it nice, for example you can add this simple CSS code (see screenshot):

#jform_alias_of_field input{display:none;} // HIDE INPUT
#jform_alias_of_field label{padding-left:0;} // REMOVE PADDING
#jform_alias_of_field input:checked + span{color:red;} // STYLE ACTIVE OPTION

of course you can style it like a buttons

Something else that also is an issue for me: Can you add a switch to the component configuration to not add the EP CSS to the pages? My customer has custom CSS in his template and your CSS overwrites that CSS each time we upgrade. Either use JHtml::_('stylesheet') and put your CSS in the /media folder or allow us to switch off that CSS completely.
Sorry but this is too advanced option, in the most of cases this will not be helpful. We recommend to create a simple system plugin that remove CSS (event "onBeforeCompileHead";).
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 4
Hackwar Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 5
admin Accepted Answer
Please reconsider adding the CSS option. It is really bad if I have to modify the CSS upon each component update. When he first switched to EP, we had to modify quite a lot of core-EP files and upon update, we had to manually compare each and every file that was changed. In the last few years, we were able to improve this and reduce the number of hacked core-EP files to just a small handfull. Unfortunately the CSS one is really something we can't improve further. Yes, this is an advanced feature, but something that a serious site will need.
ok, we will consider this. You need this option only for style.css(style.min.css)?
I'm sorry when I'm spamming you with feature requests now
No problem, you are a very skilled developer, and I know that you've contributed to the development of Joomla. For us it is a great thing to have this kind of advice :D

We need a specific alt attribute and for that I added the following code to /administrator/components/com_jsn/models/fields/imagefull.php:
No problem to add this in next release ;)

If you want, I can provide code for (some of) the other features, too.
It would be great.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 6
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