This is my first real case with Easy Profile and so far I am thrilled by the quantity of features available

I just had two question about Privacy for Custom Fields.
If I create a Custom Field "Country" for example and enable Privacy, if a user sets its country on Private then indeed another user does not see that country in the Users List or Users Table.
But I also needed to enable Privacy for (First) Name and Last Name... but it does not seem to work : the Users List/Table hides the country... but still shows Name and Last Name.
Is this a bug ? Is this because those fields were pre-existing with Easy Profile ?
Upon account creation, I can select the privacy by clicking on the icon.
But once the account is created,
- I can as super user edit the user from the backend and change their Privacy setting
- ... but in the front-end the button does not show the 3 options, as if nothing was happening (I see in the browser console that the class changes upon clicking though)
Txs !