
  1. morgan_leecy
  2. Features Request
  3. Thursday, March 16 2017, 12:47 PM
Can we have a tick box on ALL fields that is basically

'Counts towards profile completion %'

This will allow the system to count how many fields have this ticked, how many have actual data and then provide a figure which amounts to the % of profile completion

So if I had (all count towards profile completion)

Name (x) - Completed
Email (x) - complete
Job title (x) - left blank

We have three fields eligible for profile completion, but only 2 are filled so profile completion = 66%

I could do this now by having a hidden '(field)_is complete' field for every field I am interested in which sets to value 1 if the corresponding field contains ANY value but thats a double sized dbase
Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
sorry but Easy Profile does not do this.

To do this you should develop a plugin or a module. But it is not so simple.

There is a way to get Ticks without coding skills, but is a bit complex:
- Create a field of type HTML delimiter field type called "Name Tick" (alias: name_tick) and put in description "Name (x) - Completed"
- Create a field of type HTML delimiter field type called "Name No Tick" (alias: name_no_tick) and put in description "Name (_) - Not Completed"
- In Name field create 2 conditions:
1. If not equal to custom value (leave empty custom value) "" hide field "Name No Tick" (no reverse condition)
2. If equal to custom value (leave empty custom value) "" hide field "Name No Tick" (no reverse condition)
- Make steps above for all your fields (Email and Job title)
- Create a Joomla Custom Module that show all HTML delimiters with Content plugin, so with some code like
{user name_tick}{user name_no_tick}{user email_tick}{user email_no_tick}{user job_tick}{user job_no_tick}

Docs about HMTL delimiter:
Docs about Content Plugin:

For % sorry but I have no idea to work with some workaround that exclude developing :(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # Permalink
jameswadsworth Accepted Answer
I'd also find this feature very useful too! So a +1 and bump for me.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 1
danny-malouin Accepted Answer
I would DEFINITIVELY appreciate this feature :-)
+1 & BUMP for me
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 2
morgan_leecy Accepted Answer
This was just a feature request suggestion, thanks for the extra info for making it happen which is useful.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 3
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