But I still little understanding of how things work around user lists and search.
I created a few fields that are displayed depending on the type of user, it seems quite perfect. All fields are set to PUBLIC terms of Availability and Visibility
Can fine make a list that separates user type via a sql commmand
But if I want to put up search, so the challenges begiens, it shows the search button but not any of the fields I have chosen, I have of course assured me that "search" prameters in each field is set to YES
Conditions: a user log in as a user in group 1 and to show all user in group 2, and if a user from group 2 log in , its show all users from group 1 way I've done it is that I've made a link for each user group list works fine but can not set the search function.
Do not know quite what I've done, if I have to be honest, but suddenly ends all content link from Easypofile on the front page ?