
  1. hwdevteam
  2. Bug Report
  3. Thursday, April 05 2018, 02:37 AM
Hi - when using a SQL based selectlist in JSN User Profile, there is an error that causes the interface to break, when an existing, NON activated user, tries to re-register with the same USERNAME.

(This happens when they didn't see the activation email, and try to register again....)

The error shows up in the error log as

[04-Apr-2018 13:46:38 UTC] PHP Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in

/home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/administrator/components/com_jsn/models/fields/selectlist.php on line 68

The error comes from the JSN Custom SQL list being created as an object(), instead of an array().. I had to fix it by turning any objects into an array..

FIX: ON line 65

if(is_object($this->value)) $this->value = (array)$this->value; //HW fix for duplicate registration broken page error.

Can you please fix the core code, so on the nest update it doesn't revert - thanks!

I am also getting massive error logs from JSN User Profile that I keep having to delete to conserve space (10-11 meg) - Can I recommend you try to squash some of these as they eat up space :)

admin Accepted Answer
this is a know issue and happen only in a few circumstances. The coming soon next release will include a fix for it.

Sorry for this problem.

here a fix:
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 1
hwdevteam Accepted Answer
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