
  1. domiart
  2. Bug Report
  3. Monday, November 05 2018, 02:54 AM

I think something happend with Tag Plugin for AcyMailing after today upgrades (thats why I choose a "Bug Report" category).
About system: Joomla 3.9, EasyProfile 2.6.1, AcyMailing 5.10.4, newest Tag Plugin 1.2.5.
Problem: any EasyProfile's tag which has language constant, displays a constant NOT translation of it (and yes, all translations are in the appropriate files, both for backend and frontend area).
1. EasyProfile
- For registerd user (email: [email protected], choosed "a" option on registration).
- Title of field: Firm (id: 111)
- Field type: radio
2. Translation in "en-GB.override.ini":
EP_FIRM_ADV="Consulting & advising firm"
EP_FIRM_LEGAL="Law firm"
3. AcyMailing newsletter to user:
Kind of firm: {easyprofilefield:111|[email protected]}
4. Result (after send or preview):
Kind of firm: EP_FIRM_BANK
- and it should be (it was before!):
Kind of firm: Bank

Everything works great in old enviroment (Joomla 3.7.4, EasyProfile 2.4.4, AcyMailing 5.8.0, Tag Plugin 1.2.2).
Of course I can use "trans" and "if" in AcyMailing but I have a lot of fields with many conditions and many radio and checkbox lists...

Any advice or maybe I have to write to Acyba too?

Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
sorry but our plugin does not seems to do this. The only way is to contact Acyba team.

Alternatively you can fix it by changing code of the Acyba plugin:
- open file /plugins/acymailing/easyprofile/easyprofile.php
- at line 784 replace this:
$selected[$i] = $options[$oneOpt];
with this:
$selected[$i] = JText::_(trim($options[$oneOpt]));

- at line 798 replace this:
$this->tags[$oneTag] = $values[1];
with this:
$this->tags[$oneTag] = JText::_(trim($values[1]));

- at line 823 replace this:
$this->tags[$oneTag] = $values[1];
with this:
$this->tags[$oneTag] = JText::_(trim($values[1]));

NOTE: this code is not tested and not supported
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # Permalink
admin Accepted Answer
you need to contact Acyba team because this seems a bug of the Tag Plugin 1.2.5

If you need to solve it ASAP then you can use our "Acymailing Tag & Filter Plugin", you can find it in our download area.
Of course Acyba plugin is more powerful but for something like this our plugin is enough ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 1
domiart Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 2
domiart Accepted Answer
Thank you very much for the code. This helped me a lot! Everything works great :-)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 3
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