I'm really sorry to hear this.
information that are not stored in Joomla's user profile.
Of course, data are stored in Easy Profile like the most of Joomla user profile components. This for 2 main reasons:
1) Easy Profile is compatible for Joomla 3.x, and before Joomla 3.6 the Joomla custom fields did not exist
2) Performance...Joomla fields are stored in Pivot table, so if I have 50 custom fields and 20000 users then I need to search a value between 1000000 (20000x50) of records....in Easy Profile the DB need to check the value in 20000 records (users)
Basically Joomla custom fields system is not designed to make searches
Moreover, I am not allowed any way to synchronize the information between the two, so when I have a field like "Birthday" or "Phone Number" that ARE possible in the core Joomla profiles (along with nearly EVERY single field type your component creates) - it is not possible. If this is something that can be possible by your API, simply posting raw code in the "documentation" and assuming everyone is going to know exactly what it means is not at the least helpful.
Each plugin/component works in a different way, Joomla allow you to extends own functionality with a own plugins system....Easy Profile, some forum extension, Joomla fields, the plugin called "User - Profile" (this is a built in plugin) are all extensions to extends user functionality.
So now what I've successfully done is split my user database between two sources. THAT is never a good idea.
Your component allows me to create "Tabs". Why?
This is a nice UI feature, anyway you can disable it.
Oh, and get this, if I activate the "Joomla User Profile Plugin", it creates YET ANOTHER TAB. YAY! THREE TABS TO COLLECT BASIC USER INFO! Better and better!
Each Joomla Plugin that extends a Joomla form (like User registration and edit profile forms) create a fieldset (HTML fieldset) with own fields...simply the Tabs feature of Easy Profile split each fieldset in a tab.
I can't arrange fields, or consolidate some fields on one tab and some on another (you know - in a way that actually makes it user friendly) and it's now possible to have a required field (one of the Joomla fields) buried on a second or even third page where it's not easily visible to the user. That's frustrating for a user, but for accessibility, it makes it impossible.
Each plugin that extends user profile works with own fields, for example with Joomla Custom fields you cannot manage Easy Profile fields or Joomla "User - Profile" fields.
On top of that, the user profile edit page has scroll bars and is throwing all sorts of javascript errors (that do not happen if not editing the profile.
Unfortunately the support account is blocked, so I'm not able to check this.
I am truly sorry that you have misunderstood how our product works. The way it works is its strong point ... unlike its competitors it is the only one that extends the existing Joomla functionality and not replace them with own registration/edit profile (frontend and backend) forms, maybe more customizable but not come from Joomla core com_users (Joomla built-in user component)